Insurance packages
for everyone.

Our flexible packages are designed to be personalized for your specific needs.

BHA Elite Plans

starting at:

$ 25.00 USD


Choose which of our Elite Plans best suits your needs.

Service included?
Comprehensive Hospitalization Coverage
Routine Check-ups and Preventive Care
Basic Prescription Medications
Access to Primary Care Physicians
Phone or Email Consultations

BHAO Optimum Plans

starting at:

$ 75.00 USD


Choose which one of our Optimum Plans is best suited for you.

Service included?
Advanced Hospitalization Coverage, Including Specialized Procedures
Ultimate Hospitalization Coverage, Including Elite Medical Facilities
24/7 Dedicated Health Concierge
Supreme Hospitalization Coverage, Including VIP Suites
Personalized Health and Wellness Retreats
Personalize your insurance, to your needs.

Live life to the fullest knowing you have health insurance tailored just for you.